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Booking Widget

This article describes how to use the booking widget.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Use the Booking widget to book something with limited units, like places at a seminar or workshop or one-on-one coaching sessions.

Editing the widget

You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" in the widget menu.

Title and text content

In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.


Here you can define and edit the booking options. You can create, delete, and re-arrange the options. Each option has the following attributes:

  • Title

  • Description

    • The description text for the booking option is shown in the widget and also in the email invite if they are enabled

  • Available seats

    • Choose how many participants can choose each option

  • Location

    • The location is shown in the widget and the email invite if they are enabled

If you accidentally delete an option, you can just restore it by clicking the restore button that appears after deleting.

Advanced settings

In the advanced settings you can choose how many options each participant can choose. You can also enable the participants to see everyone who has selected an option and what is the option they selected.

From the advanced settings you can also enable start and end times for the booking options. Once filled for the options, date and time are shown in the widget and email invites if they are enabled.

You can enable or disable the confirmation and cancellation emails also here. When enabled, you can edit the emails here.

Who can answer

This is a useful setting if you want to limit the bookings for a specific group of users. By default every participant can select from the booking options, but it can be limited here based on users or userlists.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Booking, Reservation, Boeking, Varaus, Réservation, Buchung, Bestilling, Reserva, Bokning

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