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Widget styles

Widget styles allows you to create pre-made visual templates for widgets.

Updated over a month ago

Widget styles streamline your workflow when it comes to editing widget appearance. Widget styles can be edited in the Workspace visuals section in the Workspace manager. Widget styles can be applied from each widget's menu!

Creating widget styles

Widget styles can be created and edited in the Workspace visuals. You can access them from any widget menu by clicking "Customize styles", or by going through Workspace manager from the admin menu.

By default, there are two styles: Default and Transparent. You can create new styles from scratch, or by duplicating existing ones from the specific widget style's menu.

Editing widget styles

Editing widget styles applies the changes to each widget that has the specific widget style chosen when you save the settings. This allows you to make changes to the whole workspace easily, and you don't need to make the changes widget by widget.

Name of the widget style

Here you can simply name the widget style. This name is visible in the widget menu when choosing widget styles.


You can set the colors for the widget style in the color settings.

  • Title background: This setting changes the background color of the widget title.

  • Title text: This setting changes the text color of the widget title.

  • Content background: This setting changes the background color of the rest of the widget

  • Content text: This setting changes the text color in the widget


In the Fonts tab, you can choose the font, font size, and line height for the widget style. You also have an option to center the widget title. You can see the changes in the widget style card as you make the changes.


Widget shadow and shape can be modified in the "Other" tab. Border radius and button border radius allows you to match the widget appearance to your brand style. You can make widgets and buttons completely rectangular or rounded, whatever matches your brand the best!

Widget shadows can also be altered in the "Other" tab. There are a couple of options for you to try out. No shadows works the best when you are making transparent widgets!

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