The Allocate Widget enables teams to collaboratively allocate resources and make informed decisions based on group input. It supports flexible voting, allowing participants to cast multiple votes per option, whether it’s for prioritizing strategic initiatives or electing leadership.
This feature fosters transparency and shared understanding, helping teams align on resource distribution and priorities, ensuring that decision-making reflects collective input.
How to set up the widget
You can start setting up the allocate widget by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu. Or by clicking "Add options" if the widget is still blank.
Basic settings
In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.
You can also define the number of points available for allocation below the additional information field.
Here you can add and edit the allocate options. You can create, delete, and re-arrange the options. If you accidentally delete an option, you can just restore it by clicking the restore button that appears after deleting.
Advanced settings
In the advanced settings, you can fine-tune the widget configuration. The first available option under Options is to randomize the order of options, helping to minimize any bias that may result from the default sequence of options.
You also have the possibility to show allocation results in different ways:
Percentages: Shows percentages of allocations
Total points: Shows the total points allocated to each option (Use case example: Voting)
Average points: Shows the average resources allocated per option (Use case example: Budget allocations)
None: Shows just the bar graphic
You also have the option to choose how users see the results, whether they see the results after answering at all, and if their answer is shown separately. You can also select if users can change their answer after submitting that.
Last option is to enable permanent anonymity. Note that this feature has to be enabled before any answers are submitted to the widget. Also it cannot be turned off later on.
Who can answer
This is a useful setting if you want to limit the bookings for a specific group of users. By default every participant can select from the booking options, but it can be limited here based on users or userlists.
Who can edit
You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address in the "Who can edit" section.
Widget styles
You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.
Keywords: Allocate, Tildeling, Toewijzen, Allokoi, Attribuer, Zuweisen, Tildel, Asignar, Fördela