The lesson widget allows you to embed interactive third party xAPI packages directly to a Howspace workspace. Any xAPI compatible zip file can be uploaded to the widget, which will display the interactive content.
Tracking user progress
Basic tracking of user is available in the format of 'has passed' and 'has not passed'. Admin users can see which participants have completed the package and which ones have not.
Editing the widget
You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" in the widget menu.
Title and text content
In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.
Here you can upload the xAPI package to the widget and select the height of the embedded content.
Advanced settings
The advanced settings allows the workspace admin to choose the level of security restrictions for the widget. You should only allow the settings that are necessary for the lesson package to work properly.
Allow unsafe use of Javascript eval() function
This allows the execution of dynamic Javascript code via eval(), which can introduce security vulnerabilities.
Enable sandbox
Choose only the options that are absolutely necessary for the lesson Javascript code to execute. The necessary options can be discovered by observing errors in the browser Javascript console.
Who can edit
You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address in the "Who can edit" section.
Widget styles
You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.
Keywords: Lesson, Lektion, Les, Oppitunti, Leçon, Lektion, Leksjon, Lección