The Live widget is a browser-based video communications tool that allows users to talk to each other in real time using their camera and microphone within the workspace. The underlying tool that the widget is built with is called Whereby. If you would like to familiarize yourself with Whereby, you can find more information regarding them here.
We recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox for the best possible user experience with the widget. However, Edge and Safari are also supported browsers, as are most modern browsers.
There is now an option to change the view of the live meeting to the top, left, right, or bottom of the page.
Editing the widget
You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" in the widget menu.
Title and text content
In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.
Meeting options
Enabling this setting prevents participants from entering the call without the host accepting them into the call
Enable video
This setting allows participants to turn on the video in the call. Video off by default setting keeps the video off when joining the call.
Microphone off by default
This setting keeps the microphone muted when joining the call. After joining, each participant can unmute.
Allow screenshare
Enabling this setting shows the button to share screen in the meeting room.
This setting allows the meeting to be streamed to various video platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo, Twitch, and Facebook. More information in this article.
Allow recording
By enabling this setting, admins can record the meeting. This, however, is limited to the Chrome browser.
Breakout groups
This setting enables breakout groups for the meeting. The meeting host can start and end the breakout rooms when this setting is enabled.
Hide participant list
By enabling this setting, participants cannot see the list of attending users in the meeting.
Show leave button
This setting enables the "leave" button to be added to the meeting interface. When this setting is disabled, the meeting can be left only by clicking the button on the widget.
Hide notifications when the meeting is on
This disables the workspace notifications during meetings. This is a useful setting when a lot of activity is happening in the workspace during the meeting
Who can host the meeting
Room hosts have the power to turn off anyone's camera and microphone as well as request someone to turn theirs on. Hosts can also see a list of all users that are in the room and have the ability to record the meeting. They can end the meeting for all users or simply leave the meeting and let the others continue.
Admins are automatically hosts in all their rooms, but specific participants or userlists can also be defined to be hosts of rooms.
Who can edit
You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.
Widget styles
You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.
Keywords: Live, Direct, En vivo