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Video Widget

The Video widget lets you share information, ask questions, or introduce topics to your participants in a video format.

Updated this week

The Video widget allows sharing video to the workspace. There are options to embed video from the Internet or upload video files to the widget.

Editing the widget

You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" in the widget menu.

Title and text content

In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.

Current video: Uploading the video

You can upload a video by choosing a video file, recording a video or linking one from Youtube, Vimeo. Cream Broker or SoundCloud. The maximum file size is 2GB and maximum supported video height is 1280 pixels.

When video file is uploaded or recorded, Howspace creates an automatic transcription and an AI summary for the video. Learn more here.

Note that the following features are not available for linked videos:

  • Automatic transcription and AI summary

  • Custom subtitles

  • View statistics

  • Mandatory in self-directed path mode

Preview image

You have the option to upload a custom preview image for your video, displayed to users before they click play.


Not available for linked videos.

Howspace creates automatic transcripts for your uploaded videos and based on these creates auto-generated subtitles as well. You can choose if these auto-generated subtitles are visible to users.

You also have the option to download, edit, and upload subtitles—either modified or entirely new ones. For uploaded custom subtitles, you can select the language and name the subtitle track accordingly. By default, the name is set to the selected language, but you can edit it if needed. Please note that the name will be visible to users in the subtitle selection menu.

The supported subtitle format is WebVTT.

If you've uploaded multiple subtitle tracks—for example, in different languages—here’s how users can select the correct one in the video player:

Advanced settings

Under advanced settings you can define if users can see the download button in the video player (Image belos: Arrow down icon).

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address or by choosing a userlist in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with widget styles! More information about widget styles can be found in this article.

View statistics and users who have or have not seen the video

Clicking "Show view statistics" in the widget menu lets admin users view a graph about the view statistics for the widget.

This is not available for linked videos.

Keywords: Video, Vidéo

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