Not included in Howspace Free or Basic plans.
Howspace automatically generates transcripts and AI summaries for all audio and video content uploaded to or recorded within your workspace.
Check that the feature is enabled in your workspace settings.
Where Transcripts Are Available
Automatic transcripts and AI summaries are available in the following widgets:
Super Chat
Sticky Notes
How It Works
When you upload or record a video or audio file in any of the supported widgets, Howspace:
Detects the spoken language automatically
Creates a timestamped transcript of the content
Generates an AI-powered summary
In Super Chat and Sticky Notes, transcripts are included as part of the AI analysis (Prompting, AI Insights and AI+), enabling deeper insights into conversations.
Timestamped Transcripts
Transcripts are organized with timestamps, allowing you to:
Quickly locate key moments
Jump to specific parts of the audio or video during playback
Navigate longer recordings more efficiently
Editing transcripts
You can edit the automatic transcripts at any time by clicking the Edit button in the bottom left corner of the transcript window.
Feel free to manually correct any misspelled words or make other adjustments as needed. Just remember to click save.
Language Detection & Retranscription
While Howspace automatically detects the language of your recording, it may occasionally identify it incorrectly—for example, due to background music or a quiet start to the video. If this happens, you can manually select the correct language, edit the transcript, and re-transcribe the file. (See image above.)
If you're using Howspace's translation feature, transcripts will be automatically translated alongside all other workspace content—ensuring a consistent experience for participants in different languages.