The conversations in the Assignment widget are private between the participant and the admins. Users that are considered as admins are workspace admins, page admins, and pre-defined participants.
As an admin, you can choose whether assignments are written responses, file uploads, or audio/video recordings. Uploaded or recorded audio and video files are automatically transcribed and summarized by AI. Learn more here.
Editing the widget
You can edit the widget by accessing the widget menu and selecting "Edit".
Title and text content
Once in the edit mode, you can write the widget's title and content. More information about the text editor can be found in this article.
Advanced settings
In the advanced settings, you can define the default number of answers shown and the order in which they are shown: New at the top or new at the bottom.
Evaluation criteria
Here, you can connect evaluation criteria with the assignment widget. This allows you to evaluate the answers right there in the context. Learn how to set this up in this article.
Who can see all answers and reply to them
Here, you can select which users can see the answers in the widget. By default, only the admin users can see the answers. You can also allow other users or userlists to see the answers. This is useful if you have a large workspace and want certain users to be able to see the responses but don't want to give them admin rights to the whole workspace.
It is important to tell the participants who can actually see the answers. You can write this in the widget's text content!
Who can edit
You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.
Widget styles
You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.
Keywords: Assignment, Opgave, Opdracht, Tehtävä, Tâche, Aufgabe, Oppdrag, Asignación, Uppgift