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Sticky Notes Widget

The sticky notes widget allows for colorful and interactive facilitation and sense making of your work.

Updated over a week ago

The Sticky Note chat widget is used for discussions and allows for colorful and interactive facilitation. The admin sets the question or topic for participants to answer and comment on using text, video, audio, and/or images.

Comments made in sticky note chats appear in different colors that the admin can edit per widget. With more than one sticky note widget on a page, admins and participants are able to move comments between the different widgets. This is particularly helpful when categorizing or prioritizing. Comments can either be moved or duplicated into another Sticky Note chats.

Widget menu

Admins can access many useful functions from the widget menu:

  • Edit: Access the widget editing mode

  • Change style: Widget styles

  • Artificial intelligence: AI prompting and AI insights

  • Show users who have/have not commented: you can send emails accordingly to users who have or have not commented.

  • Sorting: Sort comments by likes, points, or chronologically.

  • Filter: Filter comments based on profile field values, userlists, or teams

  • Reset likes, points, or replies (Depending on settings)

  • Export all comments to an Excel file

Editing the widget

You can enter the edit mode from the widget menu > "Edit"

Title and text content

You can edit the widget's title, content, and other settings in the edit mode. More information about the text editor can be found in this article.

Super Chat mode

  • Discussion

  • Sticky notes

    • The default mode of Sticky notes. Comments appear as Sticky notes that can be moved between Super Chat widgets on the page when allowed in the page settings. You can also select the color of the sticky notes here!


Functions that can be enabled or disabled:

  • Comments: If disabled, comments cannot be written in the chat. Audio, video, and other files can still be uploaded if they are enabled. Comments can only be written if this is enabled.

  • Name: Toggle the display of comment and reply authors' names and profile pictures. To enable complete anonymity, enable permanent anonymity in advanced settings.

  • Timestamp: Displays the time when the comment has been added.

  • Instructions for writing a comment: This option enables you to write a placeholder text in the comment field. It is useful for extra instructions.

  • Like: allows users to like someone else's comment.

  • Show likes: displays how many likes a comment has received in total and the users who have liked it.

  • Show views: displays who has seen any particular comment.

  • Points: users can rank comments by giving them 1-5 points each.

  • Show points: displays the total cumulative amount of points a comment has received. The distribution of points can be seen by hovering over the total amount.

  • The photo/video/attachment buttons: allows participants to record audio or video, or upload files as part of comments when enabled.

  • Reply: allows users to reply to comments from others.

  • Instructions for replying to a comment: This option enables you to write a placeholder text in the reply field. It is useful for extra instructions.

  • Like: allows users to like someone else's reply.

  • Show likes: displays how many likes a reply has received in total and the users who have liked it.

  • The photo/video/attachment buttons: allows participants to record audio or video, or upload files as part of replies when enabled.

Advanced settings

In the advanced settings, you can manage:

  • How many comments are shown by default in the widget

  • Which comments users can view

  • The order of comments: Newest, oldest, most likes, or most points

  • Certain features to be available for participants, like Sorting, Filtering, and AI insights

  • Anonymity: You can enable permanent anonymity here. You can read more about permanent anonymity in this article.


Who can add comments/reply to comments

Choose which users can comment or reply in the widget. You can allow every participant to comment/reply, select individual users or userlists that are allowed, or mandate commenting/replying to be done as teams.

Who can duplicate comments

Duplicating comments can be allowed for:

  • Participants to duplicate their own comments

  • Admins to duplicate any comment

Who can edit

You can also allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

How to use the Sticky Notes

With more than one widget in sticky notes mode, admins and participants are able to move comments between the different widgets easily. Comments can either be moved or duplicated into another chat by clicking on the corner menu of the comment itself.

By default, users can only move their comments, but an admin can enable the possibility for participants to duplicate their comments from the widget advanced settings.

Under page settings you have the higher level control for moving sticky notes within the chats on the page:

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