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Priority widget

This article describes how to use the priority widget

Updated over a week ago

The priority widget allows you to prioritize ideas effectively with group input. Every participant must decide the relationship between all the options by setting the order of importance. The result of the widget is a prioritized list that reflects the group´s preferences, ensuring balanced decisions.

Answering view

Widget menu

From the Priority widget's menu admins can manage many things about the widget. On top of the normal Edit and widget style, there are the following options:

  • Show users who

    • Here the admins can see the users who have or have not answered the priority and also send emails based on those lists. When permanent anonymity is used, admins cannot see the lists, but can still send emails.

  • View options

    • Admins can always jump between different views to find the information they need

  • Filtering

    • Answers can be filtered based on profile fields or userlists. When in permanently anonymous mode, there must be at least 5 answers from each filtered group to be able to filter.

  • Export to Excel

    • Pulse results can be exported to Excel file for further analysis

Editing the widget

You can start setting up the priority widget by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu. Or by clicking "Add options" if the widget is still blank.

Title and text content

In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information about the Priority widget, much like in the Textbox widget. You can read more about the text editor here.


Press the 'add option' button and fill in the option name. You can re-order the questions by dragging and dropping them from the arrow on the right side or delete them with the red delete-button.

Advanced settings


You can choose to show the options in random order to prevent the inputted order from affecting the participants answers.


Results view allows you to choose what is shown to participants after answering:

  • Show results after answering

    • By unchecking this option you can disable the results view from the participants totally.

  • Show average

    • Show the average, meaning the groups idea of prioritized order.

  • Show my answer

    • Allow users to choose whether they can view their own answers after submitting.

You can also allow participants to change their answer after answering.


Permanent anonymity can be enabled. When this setting is enabled and participants start answering the widget, the results cannot be connected to any user. You can read more about anonymity here.

Who can answer

Here you can determine which users can answer the Priority. By default, participants can answer, but this can be changed to specific users or userlist easily here.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Priority, Prioritet, Priorisoi, Priorité, Priorität, Prioridad

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