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Leaderboard Widget

The leaderboard widget is a gamification feature that allows you to rank workspace activity.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The leaderboard widget is a gamification feature that supports the goals and purpose of the workspace where it has been used. Admin can decide what activity is essential in the workspace, and by that, the Leaderboard widget supports the success of the group and individuals.

Editing the widget

You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu.

Title and text content

In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.


This setting allows you to choose what is measured and who is shown in the leaderboard. You can choose between Progress and engagement in Super Chats. You can read more about Progress here. For Super Chat engagement, you can choose one to four categories that are scored: comments, replies, likes given and likes received. Also, you can choose the scope of the engagement counter to be the entire workspace or just one page.


Choose how many users or teams you want to show in the leaderboard widget in the number of entries to show.

  • Always show the current user: Select this to show the user their own position in the leaderboard.

  • Show the closest rivals: When "Show current user" is selected, you can enable this option to show each user the people ranked before and after them.

  • Time period can be chosen from multiple presets and it can be also set to custom dates to measure activity during an event, for example.

Advanced settings

  • Users to exclude

    • From this setting you can exclude certain users like admins or anonymous users. You can also manually exclude users from the leaderboard here. This is useful to exclude a facilitator from the leaderboard to keep the competition between participants only.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Leaderboard, Resultattavle, Scoreboard, Pistetaulu, Classement, Bestenliste, Ledertavle, Marcador, Topplista


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