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People Widget

The People widget allows you to showcase who is in the workspace.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

By adding a people widget, you can visually represent and display people that are in the workspace. You can choose to display everyone, only admins, only participants or selected userlists. The widget fills its full potential when users have uploaded their own profile pictures to the workspace.

Editing the widget

You can enter the edit mode by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu.

Title and text content

You can edit the widget's title, content, and other settings in the edit mode. More information about the text editor can be found in this article.


You can enable Recommender and Search in the People widget. These are useful features when there are many people displayed in the widget.

  • People recommender can be a valuable tool, for example, in events where people from hundreds of companies join a workspace and want to network with others. Recommender matches people based on the similarity of selections in profile fields. Only "Multiple choice" custom profile fields are allowed.

  • Search allows users to search for other people in the widget.


Filtering allows you to choose which users are displayed in the widget.

  • Filter by last seen: Configure the widget to show participants according to their last visit to the workspace.

  • Filter by profile fields: Configure the widget to show participants according to a given profile field in the workspace.

  • Show users: Configure the widget to show only individual participants, userlists, or users according to workspace status.


Sorting determines the order that the users are shown. It can be done either alphabetically according to the name, or in the order that the users have visited the workspace. Both arrangements can be sorted either ascending or descending.

Visual settings

In visual settings you can choose how many users are shown by default, what size are the profile pictures, and what information is shown directly in the widget. You can choose to show users' full names or just first names, and you can also show profile field information. More details about profile fields can be found in this article.

Who can edit

You can also allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: People, Personer, Mensen, Ihmiset, Individus, Personen, Personer, Personas

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