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Workspaces Widget

Workspaces widget makes it easy to link to other workspaces in Howspace. Filters and algorithms help with listing relevant workspaces.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Workspaces widget displays a selection of workspaces and allows easy navigation between them. It shows if there are any notifications in each workspace. The selection of workspaces can be customized to different use cases. This all adds up to visually pleasing and efficient navigation between workspaces.

Editing the widget

Title and text content

Once in the edit mode, you can write the widget's title and content. More information about the text editor can be found in this article.

View options

The widget can be displayed in two modes: cards and list view. Depending on the use case, you can choose how many workspaces are shown by default and whether or not the "Show more" button is visible. The "Show more" button allows users to show more workspaces in the widget than what is configured in the widget settings.


The cards view is a visually pleasing display mode that shows the cover image and, optionally, the workspace description.

List view

The list view is a similar experience to the 'My workspaces' view. It includes information about the latest visit and workspace activities.

Cover image and description

By default, the workspace's cover image is the logo. However, you can customize it by uploading your own cover image in workspace settings. This image will be displayed in the Workspaces widget.

Workspaces do not have a description by default. However, administrators can add the description to the workspace settings. The description of a workspace is hidden by default but can be toggled on from the widget's settings.

Which workspaces are shown

The selection of workspaces in the Workspaces widget can be customized based on the following options.

  • My workspaces. Displays a list of workspaces that the user has access to. Different users can see different workspaces.

  • My workspaces with unread comments. Similar to the 'My workspaces' option but shows only workspaces that have unread comments. Workspaces are sorted by most unread comments.

  • Selected workspaces. Administrators can set the workspaces they want to show to participants. Only workspaces that the admin has admin rights are allowed to be selected here.

There is also an option to exclude the current workspace from the view so that the currently active workspace is not shown in the widget.

Additional options

Advanced settings

You can allow users to automatically register upon navigation if the registration is turned on for the targeted workspace.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with widget styles! More information about widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Workspaces, Arbejdsområder, Werkplekken, Työtilat, Espaces de travail, Arbeitsbereiche, Arbeidsonråder, Espacios de trabajo, Arbetsytor

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