The Poll widget is great for creating multiple-choice questions.
Widget menu
From the widget menu you can access edit mode and much more. Admins can access the results view even before answering to the widget themselves by clicking "Show results" button. Admins can also see users who have answered and who have not answered and send email reminders accordingly.
Note: When the widget is in permanently anonymous mode the admin cannot see the list but can still send the reminder email.
Admins can also compare the results based on profile fields from the widget menu.
Editing the widget
You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu.
Title and text content
In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information about the question, much like in the Textbox widget. Read more about the text editor here.
Here, you can define and edit the answering options, creating, deleting, and rearranging them. Each option has just the title and the colour.
If you accidentally delete an option, you can restore it by clicking the restore button that appears after deleting.
Advanced settings
In the advanced settings, you can define the chart type for the results and the minimum and maximum number of options for participants to choose from.
You can also toggle the following settings:
Show results after answering
This allows the participants to see the results after answering
Show which options the user selected
This option shows the selected options in the results view for each participant
User can change own answer
Enabling this allows users to go back and edit their answers even after submitting the answers
Show results with percentages
This option enables percentages to be shown in the results charts
Enable permanent anonymity
This option allows for the widget to be in permanently anonymous mode. More information can be found in this article.
Who can answer
Here, you can determine which users can answer the poll. By default, participants can answer polls, but this can be changed to specific users or userlists easily here.
Who can edit
You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.
Widget styles
You can edit the appearance of the widget with widget styles! More information about widget styles can be found in this article.
Keywords: Poll, Meningsmåling, Enquête, Äänestys, Sondage, Umfrage, Avstemming, Encuesta, Rösta