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Pulse Widget
Updated this week

The Pulse widget allows you to create questions that have to be answered by sliding a scale, like rating something from 1-10. The widget supports long-term tracking of answers, as you can create several rounds of the same question and see how users' answers change and evolve.

Widget menu

From the pulse widget's menu admins can manage many things about the widget. On top of the normal Edit and widget style, there are the following options:

  • Show users who

    • Here the admins can see the users who have or have not answered the pulse and also send emails based on those lists. When permanent anonymity is used, admins cannot see the lists, but can still send emails.

  • View options

    • Admins can always jump between different views to find the information they need

  • Sorting

    • The pulse questions can be sorted based on the averages of the results and also restored to default order

  • Filtering

    • Answers can be filtered based on profile fields or userlists. When in permanently anonymous mode, there must be at least 5 answers from each filtered group to be able to filter.

  • Export to Excel

    • Pulse results can be exported to Excel file for further analysis

Editing the widget

You can edit the Video widget by clicking "Edit" in the widget menu.

Title and text content

In the edit mode, you can add a title and additional information about the Pulse, much like in the Textbox widget. You can read more about the text editor here.

Pulse type

Standard: A scale from 0-10

Negative to positive: Similar to the standard but allows for negative numbers (-5 to +5)

Percentage: Users respond with an answer between 0-100%

NPS: Measure and analyze NPS (Net Promoter Score) or eNPS score. Show results with NPS score and the distribution of points given.


Press the 'add question' button. Each question can have titles and description. The description is optional and can be used to clarify and elaborate on the meaning.

The checkbox next to the question allows you to show or hide the question, so you don't need to delete a question if you don't want to include it in one round, for example.

The checkbox next to the description allows you to choose whether or not the description is visible by default. If the description is added but the checkbox is disabled, participants can still see the description by clicking the arrow sign next to the question.

You can re-order the questions by dragging and dropping them from the arrow on the right side or delete them with the red button.

Answering rounds

Answering rounds can be used to follow up on results and answers from users over a period of time. You can add as many answering rounds as you need, and they have to be manually changed by an admin. An example of an answering round could be using months, "January", "February", "March" etc. They have to be manually switched by an admin at the end of the month in this case.


With the scale, you have different options depending on the Pulse type you have chosen.


With the standard type, you can choose the scale from 0-10 using the slider. You can also show legend and write a description for each option. These are shown when hovering mouse over the answering option.

Negative to positive

Negative to positive allows you to show and edit the legend, but the scale is always from -5 to 5.

Percentage and NPS

These options don't allow any modifications to the scale. For percentages, it's always from 0% to 100% and for NPS it's always from 0 to 10.


Results view allows you to choose what is shown to participants after answering:

  • None

    • You can disable the results view from the participants totally and show a message instead

  • Latest round results

    • This shows the results view from the latest round

  • Follow-up results

    • This shows a graph about all the answering rounds to see the progress between different rounds

You can also allow participants to filter the answers based on userlists and profile fields, and allow them to switch between latest round and follow-up results.


Permanent anonymity can be enabled. When this setting is enabled and participants start answering the widget, the results cannot be connected to any user. You can read more about anonymity here.

Who can answer

Here you can determine which users can answer the pulse. By default, participants can answer pulses, but this can be changed to specific users or userlists easily here.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email addresses in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with widget styles! More information about widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Pulse, Puls, Pulssi, Sondage Pulse, Puls-Umfrage, Pulso

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