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How to use the Pulse widget (Old Howspace)

This article describes the purpose and use of the Pulse widget.

Updated over a week ago

The Pulse widget allows you to create questions that have to be answered by sliding a scale, like rating something from 1-10. The widget supports long term tracking of answers, as you can create several rounds of the same question and see how users' answers change and evolve.

Getting started

Start by adding a Pulse widget to the page and add a title and description of your choosing.

Then choose the type of question you want to ask.

Standard: A scale from 0-10

Negative to positive: Similar to the standard but allows for negative numbers (-5 to +5)

Percentage: Users respond with an answer between 0-100%

NPS: Measure and analyze NPS (Net Promoter Score) or eNPS score. Show results with NPS score and the distribution of points given.

Add questions

Press the 'add questions' button. Each question can have titles and description. The description is optional and can be used to clarify and elaborate on the the meaning. You can re-order the questions by dragging and dropping them from the arrow on the right side, or delete them with the red button.

Answering rounds

Answering rounds can be used to follow up on results and answers from users over a period of time. You can add as many answering rounds as you need, and they have to be manually changed by an admin. An example of an answering round could be using months, "January", "February", "March" etc. They have to be manually switched by an admin at the end of the month in this case.

Advanced settings:

In the advanced settings you can modify the scale used in the standard mode. The default is 1-5 but can be altered to anything between 0-10. In other modes the scale cannot be modified.

Scale settings

Select if you wish to show a legend (explanation text) when a user hovers their mouse over the slider. You can add descriptions that expand and help users understand what they are choosing.

Results view:

You can choose to see the Latest round results (showing only the latest answering round's answers) or the Follow-up results (showing how the answers have changed between all the rounds). Admins can change which is visible under the Pulse widget's ...-menu, but this will determine which results are shown first and what the participants will see.

Results settings:

Choose what results the users see after giving their answer. The four options allow you to customize whether users can see their own answer, can see the average of all answers, if the distribution of answers is shown and whether the average of all answers (to all the questions) is shown.

Participants can:

Applying filters helps you to explore the results on a very detailed level. It is a feature that can be given to the participants too.

Admins can choose if participants can also switch between the latest round and follow-up results once they have given their own answer.

It is also possible to give the users (both admins and participants) the rights to change or delete their answers.


Answers can be made permanently anonymous. No admin can see or bring back the user information and match it to the answers once anonymity has been enabled.

Anonymity can only be enabled if there are no answers in the pulse, and cannot be disabled if any anonymous answers have been given.

Answer distribution

The distribution of answers can be seen in a simple graphic in the 'latest round' results view.

Hovering your mouse over the distribution graph shows a more detailed view.

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