Once you are done with a workspace, you have two options. You can archivethe workspace or delete it. This article covers how admins can actively decide to archive or delete a workspace. We have also implemented an automatic archival and deletion process for inactive workspaces to help admins and main users manage their workspaces. You can read more about the automatic process here.
Howspace Free does not support archiving workspaces.
Archiving is a temporary action that makes the workspace inaccessible for all users, however it stores the workspace data (user generated content, workspace settings, customization etc.) and the workspace can be re-opened in the future. Some temporary data (such as page visits per user) are not stored when the workspace is archived.
Deleting workspaces is a final and permanent “hard-delete”. Once you delete a workspace there is no way to get it back. All data will be deleted from our servers within 30 days in compliance with GDPR.