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Chat Moderation

These features allow for moderation of the chat widget and can be enabled from the widget’s advanced settings.

Updated over 2 weeks ago


The flagging feature allows administrators to moderate comments and replies in any chat widget within their workspaces. It is disabled by default but can be enabled from the widget’s settings > Advanced settings section.

The feature allows participants to flag comments that they deem inappropriate. Participants can only see the flags that they have set. Flags from other users are not visible to them, so users who have their comments flagged are unaware of it.

Admin users can see the total number of flags a comment has received and can filter the chat to bring up the most flagged comments. It is their responsibility to evaluate the comment and decide whether to keep it or remove it from the chat. Participants are not notified if their comments have been removed.

Moderation Mode

When moderation mode is enabled, all comments from participants (admin comments are not affected) are placed in an intermediate state and are not visible to other participants. All participant comments must be approved by an administrator before they are published and made visible to all. Admins are able to comment normally without having their comments reviewed.

When moderation mode is enabled, new comments by participants have a dotted line around them, indicating that they need to be approved before they are visible.

Only the participant who commented and all admins are able to see the comment at this point.

Admins can approve a comment, publish it, and make it visible to all users. They can also delete the comment if they see fit.

If moderation mode is disabled, comments will be posted normally and will not need approval. If the moderation is enabled again, any comments that are already posted are not impacted and remain published. Only comments that are posted when the moderation mode is enabled will be subject to approval from the admins.

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