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Page settings

In the page settings you can set the basic settings for each page

Updated over 3 weeks ago

In the page settings, you can rename the page, enable Path mode, and more! Page settings can be found in the page menu in the top right corner of the page.

Page settings button in the page menu:

Page settings view:

Path mode

You can enable either self-directed or facilitated Path mode here.

  • Self-directed: Shows the page one container at a time for better focus. Participants can navigate forward and backward. It also allows admins to track progress. You can read more about the Self-directed path in this article.

  • Facilitated: Admins choose which container to display to participants. Offers precise control over content flow and targeted focus. You can read more about the Facilitated path in this article.


Any page can be scheduled to appear and/or to be active between certain dates.

Once visibility is scheduled, the pages will only be visible for participants between the starting and ending dates.


With page permissions, you can manage who can see the page, administrate the page, and who can move comments and sticky notes between different Super Chat widgets on the page.

  • Who can access the page

    • This setting determines who is able to access the page. Page can be open to everyone ("Participants"), only admins ("Admins"), or manually selected users ("Selected users and userlists")

  • Who can administrate the page

    • This setting determines which users are page admins. Page admins can administrate the page but cannot administrate the workspace, so they cannot add users or access the workspace manager, for example.

  • Moving comments and sticky notes

    • Here, you can choose whether or not the moving of comments is allowed at all ("Off") or if it is allowed for admins ("Only admins can move comments") or even everyone ("Participants can move any comment"). There is also an option for admins to be able to move any comment and participants to be able to move their own comments ("Participants can move their own comments")

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