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Container width and columns

This article describes container layout options.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Containers have three different width options to suit every situation. The options are narrow, normal, and full. Each container type can have a different amount of columns inside it.

Editing the container width

Container width can be changed from the container menu in the top-right corner of the container.

Columns in different size containers

  • Narrow: Maximum of three columns

  • Normal: Maximum of five columns

  • Full: Maximum of seven columns

Columns can be added, removed, and resized in edit page mode. If you have too many columns for a certain container width, you cannot apply that container width until you have deleted enough columns to fit the maximum amount of columns for that container width.

For example, if you have a normal container with four columns, you cannot change the container's width to narrow until you have deleted at least one column.

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