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Textbox Widget

You can write instructions or other information to Textbox.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Text widget can be used to share instructions or information with participants. The Textbox is a simple "what you see is what you get" solution for adding text to your workspace.

Editing the widget

You can edit the Textbox by clicking "Edit" from the widget menu.

Title and text content

Once in the edit mode, you can write the widget's title and content. More information about the text editor can be found in this article.

Who can edit

You can allow participants to edit the widget by adding their email address in the "Who can edit" section.

Widget styles

You can edit the appearance of the widget with Widget styles! More information about Widget styles can be found in this article.

Keywords: Textbox, Tekstboks, Tekstvak, Teksti, Zone de texte, Textfeld, Tekstboks, Caja de texto, Textruta

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