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Path mode: Self-directed

This article discusses what the Self-directed Path Mode is and how you can utilize it in your Workspaces

Updated over a week ago

The Self-directed Path Mode is a feature that can be enabled on any page within your workspace. It allows you to bring the participant's focus to one section of the page at a time and can be used to track their progress and participation. It chronologically shows one container at a time and allows the participant to move back and forth between sections.

This feature is excellent for creating courses or assignments for the participants. Responding to widgets (Polls, Pulses, Chats, Assignments, etc.) can be made mandatory to ensure everyone answers before moving to the next section.

To enable Self-directed Path mode for a page, go to the page settings > Path mode > tick the "Self-directed" box and save.

You can choose the text that is shown in the final button upon completion. The default is "Ready", and it shows the current page in full. These settings can be changed to match your needs. For example, the ready button can be named "Next" and it can take the participant to any page on the workspace. This is really useful when creating courses with multiple modules.

Once path mode is enabled, you will see the path settings button at the top of the page. This button is not visible to the participants, only to administrators. This bar is used to manage the path and allows admin users to see how far users have progressed. You can also view how the page looks for participants. Admins can see the page normally, but participants can only view the page in segments.

When you view the participants' progress, you can see each stage of the path and how far along each user is. You also have the ability to send customizable emails to users at each step, so if someone has not participated at all, you can send them an email to remind them. When they click the link in the email, they will be taken directly to the path.

To make answering a widget mandatory, you will see a tick box at the bottom of the widget when editing the page layout. When the widget's side is yellow, participants cannot move further along the path before responding.

As mentioned previously, Admin users will see the page normally after the path mode is enabled, but for participants, the page will be segmented so that one container is visible at a time. Connecting containers can be used to make multiple containers visible at the same time.

Beneath each segment, the participants will see a bar, which will allow them to move between segments and see their path progression.


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