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Edit menu (Old Howspace)

This article explains how the order of the pages visible on the menu can be managed.

Updated over 5 months ago

The order of the pages and folders visible in the menu can be changed.

Changing the order of pages and folders

Click on the action menu and select Edit menu.

Change the order of the pages and folders by dragging and dropping them. Then click Close edit mode to exit edit mode and to save the rearranged page order.

A picture of Edit menu mode

Prioritize the items in the menu

Keep the most important and necessary things in the menu, and move the non-essential pages from the menu by dragging and dropping them to the Drag pages or folders here to hide them from menu area.

The pages are still accessible from the top menu List all pages view, and direct links to those pages work normally. Those pages are simply hidden from the menu, but still function otherwise as any other page would.

The pages not in the menu can be dragged and dropped back to the menu in this same edit mode at any time.

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