1. What is SSO?
Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials - for example, a name and password - to access multiple applications. SSO can be used by enterprises, smaller organizations and individuals to ease the management of various usernames and passwords.
In Howspace, SSO functions as an alternative method to manage access to workspaces and the Account Manager.
Howspace SSO works with all SAML2 and OpenID compatible identity providers such as:
G Suite
Entra ID
AppleID is also supported. If you are interested in setting up AppleID for your SSO solution, please contact [email protected].
2. Enabling SSO for Howspace
To enable and configure the SSO feature in Howspace, there are two levels. The customer level configuration and the workspace specific settings. The workspace specific settings always override the default settings defined in the Account Manager. SSO can be used in addition to the login links, or as the default login method.
Overview of the configuration and settings:
On customer level (Account Manager)
SSO configuration (Multiple configurations can be added)
Enabling SSO for the Account Manager
Set default SSO settings for all workspaces
On workspace level
Select SSO configuration
Enforce SSO login for specific domains
Enable/disable automatic user creation
3. Configuring SSO in the Account Manager
SSO configuration has to be done by a Main User. Instructions below for SAML2.0, OpenID and Entra ID configurations.
3.1 Entra ID
3.1.1. Go to the Account Manager
partner.howspace.com/[your_organization], or
Click Account Manager in workspace menu
3.1.2. Add new configuration from Settings > Single Sign-On > Add SSO Configuration > Entra ID
3.1.3 Name the configuration and add the tenant id of your Entra ID instance.
3.1.4 Enable the SSO login for a workspace and have an Entra admin user login using the SSO option. When the tenant admin user logs in, they will be prompted to consent to creating an enterprise application.
The enterprise application will have the following permissions:
3.2 SAML2.0
3.2.1 Go to the Account Manager
partner.howspace.com/[your_organization], or
Click Account Manager in workspace's "Me" menu
3.2.2 Add new configuration from Settings > Single Sign-On > Add SSO configuration > SAML2.0
Fill in the SSO configuration details generated by your identity provider.
Note: Howspace SAML2 SSO configuration details needed for your identity provider, e.g. entityID, can be found by clicking the “View metadata” - option from Actions next to an existing configuration.
3.3 OpenID
3.3.1. Go to the Account Manager
partner.howspace.com/[your_organization], or
Click Account Manager in workspace menu
3.3.2. Add new configuration from Settings > Single Sign-On > Add SSO Configuration > OpenID Connect
3.3.3 Fill in the configuration details.
Example of provider URL format when configuring Entra OpenID:
Name in Entra: OpenID Connect metadata configuration
Part of URL needed: https://login.microsoftonline.com/numbers-and-letters-here/v2.0
Multi-tenant Entra ID
Multi-tenant SSO configuration is supported. To configure multiple tenants, choose the multi-tenant option when adding the configuration. Include the tenant IDs of all instances.
Testing the configuration
From Settings > Main User Dashboard Access Control, enable Single Sign-On to main users.
NOTE: don’t disable the username/password login option without ensuring the functionality of the SSO login first.
Test your configuration by logging out from the Account Manager and log back in clicking the “Login with SSO” - button
If the login didn’t work, please revise the configuration.
When SSO is configured, it is recommended to change the login to your Account Manager to use Single Sign-On. This increases security as admins do not need separate login credentials. If an admin leaves the organization, their access to the Account Manager is then disabled when the user's email is deleted. If you want to exclusively login to the Account Manager using SSO, you can disable the “Username and password login”
4. Enabling SSO by default to new workspaces
Go to “Workspace default settings” -> “Login, registration and SSO, and
Select “Users can login using Single Sign-On”
3. Choose your SSO configuration
Now SSO login is enabled automatically to new workspaces.
5. Use cases
5.1 All invited users from Your Organization must login to workspaces using SSO, but people invited from outside your organization can login using login links
1. From the Account Manager or from a workspace, go to Settings -> Login, registration and SSO
2. Add your organization's domain to the “Enforce SSO for following emails” field
3. Enable “Users can login with login links”
4. Add users to the workspace
Now invited users with a “mycompany.com” email address need to login using SSO, but users with other domains can be invited to login with login links.
5.2 SSO Registration
All users from your organization that have a valid SSO identity can login to the workspace using SSO. If the users have not been added to the workspace, they will be registered automatically as participants based on their SSO identity information.
1. From the Account Manager or from a workspace, go to Settings -> Login, registration and SSO
2. Add Your Organization email address to the “Enforce SSO for following emails” field
3. Enable “Create SSO-users automatically”
As the ‘Create SSO users automatically’ option is selected, users with SSO credentials can add themselves to the workspace. Registration can be limited based on email address, domain, or specific claims that are defined in the SSO configuration. All limitation criteria that are added this list, will have to be met by users in order to register.
Example: The domain mycompany.com is required along with a certain role that is defined in the SSO configuration, a user who wishes to register has to meet both conditions before being allowed to register.
5.3 All invited users must login to workspaces using SSO
1. From the Account Manager or from a workspace, go to Settings -> Login, registration and SSO
2. Make sure that the “Create SSO-users automatically” is disabled
3. Make sure that the option “Users can login with login links” is disabled
4. Add users to the workspace
Now only the added users can access the workspace and they must login using SSO.